Simple Everyday Mom

Making Everyday Count

The Best Parenting Advice I Ever Received

If you are anything like I am, you have probably strolled your share of parenting websites. If you are even more like me you have probably questioned yourself a million times on your decisions as a parent. I think to make matters worse there are parents out there that add their comments to articles and just flat out bully other moms. I realized that just because they are meaner and louder (yes, I said louder even if it’s a typed message it can be loud at times) doesn’t make their opinion better than yours.

One day while I was knee deep in second guessing myself I had a doctor’s appointment for my oldest son. I asked him several questions and he told me at the end of one of his answers the best pieces parenting advice I have ever received.  Now he could sense my insecurity in the topic we were discussing  it was this. Jasmine , you and your husband are the specialist for your child. You are the best decision maker there is when it comes to what’s right in your child’s life. I don’t care how many degrees a person ha,s you will always know your child better than they do. Feel free to second guess, double check, or clarify anything a doctor has to say to you.  Now I will clarify and  say he did go on to say that is for parents who care and want the best for their children (but he knew that we fell in that group).

I have to say that changed my view on parenting all together. I knew I could make good decisions and that I was a good mom, but it took away all that doubt, fear and second guessing that I had held on to. I was able to have confidence in my parenting abilities again. I may not have a degree, but I will always be my children’s specialist!

How does this advice make you feel? What is the best piece of parenting advice have you ever gotten?

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